Implant Impressions are the Worst!


What is holding us back?

We have the digital scanner, we send digital impressions for single units but all of a sudden an implant case comes up, and we immediately start looking for the implant transfer copings, drag out the impression tray and the impression material. Does this sound fairly routine?

A patient has waited many months to get a tooth back in their mouth, right? We have the ability to pull out a scan body and the digital scanner, yet we don’t! Williams Dental Laboratory Implant scan bodies (scanning abutments) ARE FREE and can be used with any digital impression system to capture the location, angulation, and connection orientation of dental implants in a patient’s mouth. This system eliminates the need for conventional implant impressions, case shipping (sorry UPS), and traditional model pour inaccuracies.[/text_output]


Compatible with almost all implant systems.

Williams Scan bodies consist of a titanium alloy screw and a scanning abutment, which has an internal thread to retain the screw during handling. The scan body has a metal connection that can and should be radiographically verified. The scanning abutments are attached to the implant utilizing the internal screw.

When you use Williams Dental Laboratory scan bodies and partner with the lab to restore patients’ implant cases, you get:

[/text_output][icon_list id=”” class=”” style=””][icon_list_item type=”check” id=”” class=”” style=””]Precision CAD/CAM restorations

[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item type=”check” id=”” class=”” style=””]Highly accurate 3D printed model with metal analogues

[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item type=”check” id=”” class=”” style=””]Abutment type preferences (CAD/CAM titanium abutment, Hybrid Ti-Zirc abutment, screw retained)

[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item type=”check” id=”” class=”” style=””]Restoration Type (any)

[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item type=”check” id=”” class=”” style=””]No shipping cost[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item type=”check” id=”” class=”” style=””]FASTER delivery for patients[/icon_list_item][/icon_list][feature_headline type=”left” level=”h3″ looks_like=”h5″ icon=”money” id=”” class=”” style=””]All for the same flat fee![/feature_headline]

[image float=”right” src=”4612″ alt=”Final Implant Crown” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][gap size=”1.313em” id=”” class=”” style=””][image float=”right” src=”4613″ alt=”3d Model With Metal Analog” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
[text_output]Williams Dental Laboratory creates a variety of custom restorations for your dental implants. Whether you are looking for monolithic or layered Zirconium, E.Max, GC Lisi, or porcelain fused to metal, it is all possible under a single flat fee that does not differ based on material selection.

With comprehensive support for digital impression technology, Williams Dental Laboratory provides dentists with a convenient, affordable, and effective restorative process for implant cases with two significant benefits:


We all want more time and more money! Patients want things done quickly (save them time) and they want things completed efficiently (save them money because it’s less of their time off from work, which is their money!).

After interviewing many of our clients that have intraoral scanners, we found these FACTS to be true. Bulky trays and sticky impression materials are not required in our modern dentistry era and why we chose to use them comes down to two things.

1)  Education
2)  Confidence that the lab can support the digital process. Williams can support this process.

A Williams Scan body is attached to the implant, and any intraoral scanner (iTero, Sirona CEREC, 3M Tru-def, Carestream, IOS FastScan, PlanScan E4D, or 3Shape Trios) is used to capture buccal, lingual, and occlusal scans of the scanning abutment. This first step is followed by buccal, lingual, occlusal and patient bite scans with the scanning abutment removed.

Once the patient in your chair has been quickly scanned, the digital impression can be submitted electronically to Williams Dental Laboratory, eliminating shipping, which saves you time and money.

At Williams Dental Lab, it is second nature for our experienced digital dental technicians to use your digital impressions combined with the latest CAD/CAM technology to design custom abutments, provisionals, and final restorations. Our in-house 3D printing department increases the speed and accuracy of your final model. The digital technology increases the precision in design for optimal form, fit, and function. The custom implant restorations are then machined to precise specifications using state-of-the-art milling equipment and returned to you for final seating in as little as two days.

If you have had difficulties working out your implant case management with a digital workflow or you are interested in what Williams Dental Laboratory can provide you, call us today at 800.713.5390 or email, and to receive your FREE unlimited use scan body![/text_output]

[image src=”4614″ alt=”Williams Dental Lab Custom Abutments” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][gap size=”1.313em” id=”” class=”” style=””][image type=”none” src=”4615″ alt=”” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
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